Christmas in our Stake- Astles
In 1991, we were living in a small town in the Kootenays. My husband was an articling student, and I was home with our first two children. Money was tight, but I wanted something to bring more of Christ into our home that Christmas.
As I was wandering down Main street, enjoying all the festive window displays, my eyes came to rest upon this cute little plastic nativity set in the Christian bookstore. I was in love with it, as was my toddler daughter. It was a whopping $40! A princely sum for a student family. These were the days before a dollar store, or even WalMart had come to town. As I pondered how to ever be able to carve the money out of our budget, a card from my parents arrived with $50 in it for my birthday. I knew exactly where that was going to be spent.
The new Christmas decoration was lovingly displayed on the table in the living room. The holy family would often be protected by tents made from tea towels, or blankets made from kleenex. They would migrate all over the house, often being joined by batman or a ninja turtle, and the little baby Jesus would be found stuffed between the couch cushions, or tucked into bed with one of the children. We even once found him in the outlet of our central vacuum! With each passing year, and the addition of two more children and nine grandchildren, Joseph has lost his lamp, and the shepherd has lost his crook, but the story they represent has not been lost. They are beloved by a whole new generation, and sometimes, we still have to go searching for the baby Jesus.
As we ponder on the Christmas story this time of year, may we always search for, and find, the baby Jesus in each of our homes and lives.
Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas.
JoAnn and Craig Astle